38 Years Legacy of velammal

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      Our Identity

      We are the best School

      TVIS: Leading the Way to NEET Success Among the Top NEET Coaching Centres in Chennai

      TVIS: Establishing the Standard for Top NEET Coaching Centres in Chennai

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        Focus on Concept Clarity

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        Continuous Improvement

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        Effective Time Management Strategies

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        Innovative Teaching Methods

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        Personalized Student Support

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        Holistic Wellbeing Support

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        Career Guidance and Counseling

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        Proven Track Record

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        Technological Integration in Learning

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        Extracurricular Enrichment Programs

      Multi-Dimensional Development:
      Chitravathi is committed to the comprehensive development of a child. Beyond academic excellence, we focus on fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence, ensuring that each child reaches their full potential in a well-rounded manner.

      At TVIS, we are committed to providing our students with an unparalleled coaching methodology that has established us as the most sought-after NEET coaching centre among the top rated Neet Coaching Centres in Chennai in Chennai.

      Our dedication to quality education sets us apart as a leader in the field.


      TVIS, Providing the best teaching and being the top among the Neet Coaching Centres in Chennai

      Explore our facilities

      State-of-the-Art Classrooms

      Equipped with the latest technology, our modernized learning spaces foster an environment that encourages effective teaching and active student engagement.

      Innovative Laboratories

      Specialized laboratories designed for hands-on exploration in science, computer science, and technology. These dynamic spaces empower students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, preparing them for the challenges of tomorrow.


      Treasure trove housing not only books and journals but also a vast array of digital resources. Dive into a world of limitless knowledge, where learning knows no boundaries.

      Elite Sports Facilities

      Our spaces are dedicated to fostering teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship, ensuring a well-rounded development for every student.

      Holistic Healthcare

      Our dedicated healthcare team provides immediate attention to health needs, ensuring that you thrive both academically and physically in a safe environment.

      Top-Notch Security

      The students safety is our priority, allowing them to focus on their studies and personal growth without worry.

      Extracurricular Excellence

      Whether it's arts, music, or clubs, our facilities provide a platform for students to explore and express themselves beyond the traditional classroom setting.

      Eco-Friendly Initiatives

      Our eco-friendly practices are seamlessly integrated into daily operations, fostering a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness among our students and staff.

      Parental Partnership

      Through active communication and involvement with our dedicated parent-teacher engagement initiatives create a supportive learning environment that nurtures each student's unique potential.

      Embark on a holistic educational journey at TVIS, where excellence is not just a goal but a way of life. Your potential knows no bounds in our dynamic and enriching academic community.

      Take The First Step Toward Brilliance. Enroll Today!

      From modest beginnings to becoming accomplished champions, we render an educational environment where young minds can achieve real-world success beyond their wildest challenges.
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